Bear That Codes

Why No Cookie Banner

Published on 1 min read

So, you came to this site, and noticed that there is no cookie warning presented. As you probably know, any site which writes cookies to your machine needs to get your permission to do so (under laws like GDPR) - and will also need your permission to do things like tracking and analytics, and provide details of how to enact your rights with respect to personal information.

The reason you weren’t asked is simple. This site does none of those things. I’m not tracking you with Google Analytics, or telling Facebook what pages you look at (or any other provider). There is no advertising on this site, and it does not capture any personal information at all.

You can check that there are no cookies (or other storage uses) yourself by opening the developer tools in your browser and looking at the Storage tab:

Cookies in developer tools showing no cookies

For much the same reason, there is no privacy policy published, as no data about you, the reader, is being captured, so your privacy is not at risk.